Sunday, August 29, 2010

a warming sunday

Last night was quite eventful (understatement!). B and I went to the Sacramento River Cats game against Fresno (go RC!) with my bosses and co-workers. It was a pretty fun night full of food, candy, and just plain baseball! We had a minor rough patch (another understatement...) prior to the game so I'm glad (more like relieved) that we managed to put our game faces on and tried to enjoy the rest of the night. I really wish we had brought the camera to capture the beautiful fireworks at the end of the game. We had a great view and great seats, and great company! Go Davis Sequencing! Performing sequences for you, and for the tomorrow! Yeah, I made up the last line - that's not our slogan or motto whatsoever. I'm hoping I can grab a copy of the pictures from Dan tomorrow. Crossing my fingers! On a side note, it was quite the chilly night. I'm glad we brought sweatshirts and jackets, though I kind of wish we had a blanket to cover our shivering legs.

As for today, the weather picked up again today and went from chilly (on Saturday) to a pleasant degree of warmth (almost borderline HOT). It was suppose to be a simple Sunday. My definition of simple? Do a bit of house cleaning here and there, do my laundry, crack open the GRE book, hang out with the B-myster for a few hours, and call it a night. Midway during my chopping and prepping for lunch, the B-myster's parents were in town and I got treated to Thai for lunch! YUM! I felt bad for being a tag-a-long but man, the Thai Iced Tea is unbelievable. I just kept slurping away. Food? What food? All I need is this yummy orange concoction. :]

After a nice and filling lunch, it was back to my place time to put our brains to work. While B-myster was taking advantage of my Princeton Review materials, I was busy trying to memorize the endless stream of vocabulary. It never ends I tell ya. I still can't believe B got such high-scores on the first test. It blew my score wayyy out of the ocean. I need to work harder and beat him. Too bad studying is such a pain in the butt. Motivation is easy to find, but difficult to keep.

Friday, August 27, 2010

stretched taunt

Sometimes I feel like I'm pulled at every angle. Not by people but more towards responsibilities and emotions I suppose. A few weeks back I enrolled in a Princeton GRE review course that meets up every Tuesday night for 7 weeks. I anticipated a whole buttload of homework and no surprise, you ask and you shall receive! The GRE manual and ETS book is always nearby, tucked away in my bright green tote bag. So I have been devoting a lot of my time to the class and trying my darn hardest to stay on track in terms of homework and coursework. Luckily I always have a few hours at work to just scribble away so that has been extremely helpful since I seem have a knack at being unproductive at home. But I still want to have fun. I still want to go out at night and have a nice dinner. I want to go places on the weekends and not think about the long list of vocab words I have yet to memorize. And, this is going to sound awful, but I want to knit. I want to knit my stress away in the form of scarves and hats and whatnots! My creative outlet is feeling quite repressed at the moment.

All this is driving me nuts. Every time I go out, I pray for a satisfying night that will leave me feeling content. And when it doesn't, I get super grumpy because a little part of me is whispering sarcastically, "well wasn't that fun... you could have spent that whole time being more productive instead!" This, in turn, causes me to go sink into my pit of funk where everything just simply sucks. GREs, I dislike you! I dislike the person you have turned me into.