Thursday, January 13, 2011

recent buggers

The deadline dates are approaching fast, faster than I can even get my mind focus enough to write another sentence for the personal statements. The phone interview with KGI has come and gone and now it's time to finish (and start) on the statements for Delaware and Worcester. The deadlines for those two schools are actually this upcoming Saturday, the 15th. However, the schools have rolling admission so if I submit my application pass the deadline, it will not hurt my chances. The only thing that will be affected is whether or not I will possibly get funding. So in short, I have to start typing, and start typing FAST.

Initially I was all hung over whether or not one of my letter of recommendation providers will be able to pull through in time. I even emailed him numerous times letting him know the deadlines, what I have shipped to him, which schools should have emailed him by now, etc. and finally he has emailed me back reassuring me that he will get it done in time. I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope the best, and probably get the applications every other hour to see if he has submitted it yet. I feel less stressed since receiving the email but I can't help but still worry. Another thing bugging me is that I have to upload scanned versions of my transcripts for Delaware. Unfortunately, I have yet to receive the transcript from one of the schools and all I'm praying for now is that it will be sitting nice and safe in my mail box by the time I get off work tomorrow. Please be there so I can scan you!

I guess all this worrying and stressing is normal during the application process. Luckily I have decided on which schools to apply to so all I have to do now is get those applications done.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

ushering in 2011

It is yet again another new year, full of new possibilities and new adventures. I am excited to see what this new year will bring me, in terms of personal growth and career advancements. I'm in the midst of applying for graduate school and it has been quite hectic and stressful, to say the very least. It does not help that each school has a different prompt for the personal statements, requiring me to re-edit or rewrite each statement - a very time consuming task in which leaves me wondering why do I even bother?

I have a phone interview and a fellowship assessment with KGI this week and the following week and I am frantically trying to prepare for it. Furthermore, I have to finish the personal statements, send out the letters of rec and applications, and most importantly, send out the ETS scores. So much to do, and it's only the second week into January 2011!

But regardless of the workload, I am pleased to say that I have just had one of the most enjoyable weekend dates. It certainly lifted my spirits and all in all, re-energized me, filling me with the optimism to tackle the mountain known as grad school apps. So thank you B, for the yarn, for the dimsums, and for the long walk in the park. :)