Sunday, October 3, 2010

learning curve?

So I have been practicing my butt off this weekend and at last, I am seeing improvement! Yay! I have approximately 7 more days till exam time and I hope I will be ready for it. I'm going to push myself to practice and practice everyday until then. The only concern I have at this point is that I'll lose my concentration during the exam. Maybe I should wake up super early each morning to prep my brain and get it use to functioning...

I can't wait to be done and focus my energy elsewhere. Like knitting, dramas, running (maybe... haha), and looking up programs for grad school! I can't wait to move on with my life and explore and try new things.

On a side note, while I was trying to find a TVB drama for my brother, I stumbled onto a drama that is about to air tomorrow that looks very tempting to watch! Anything that's crime or related to fighting, I'm all for it. And especially since it's airing tomorrow, it's going to take a lot of self-control to download, but not watch it. I'll save it all up for later and once the test is over, instant reward! :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

the month of awesomeness

This month is going to be the month of awesomeness, or at least the start of the many more awesome months to come. Not only is it the month of Trick or Treats, it is also the month of GRE testing (boooo!) and Disneyland! I can't wait to get my GRE test out of the way and begin my trip to Southern California. However, just thinking about the GRE is nauseating. I am so ill-prepared. I need to put on my game face but it is so hard to focus. All the plans and preparations for the SoCal trip has already been finalized so I should be able to concentrate but now, all I can think about is how many more days till the test date and how much more I have yet to learn and absorb. I've been trying to do more math problems but seriously, I just suck at math. Hopefully, with this last week, I will do enough math problems to feel better about it and read and memorize enough vocabulary to do decent - not that decent is what I'm aiming for...

I'm going to send my tutor an email with all the math problems I have issues with and hopefully she'll be kind enough to reply back with explanations. Here's to studying hard for one last week!