Sunday, January 9, 2011

ushering in 2011

It is yet again another new year, full of new possibilities and new adventures. I am excited to see what this new year will bring me, in terms of personal growth and career advancements. I'm in the midst of applying for graduate school and it has been quite hectic and stressful, to say the very least. It does not help that each school has a different prompt for the personal statements, requiring me to re-edit or rewrite each statement - a very time consuming task in which leaves me wondering why do I even bother?

I have a phone interview and a fellowship assessment with KGI this week and the following week and I am frantically trying to prepare for it. Furthermore, I have to finish the personal statements, send out the letters of rec and applications, and most importantly, send out the ETS scores. So much to do, and it's only the second week into January 2011!

But regardless of the workload, I am pleased to say that I have just had one of the most enjoyable weekend dates. It certainly lifted my spirits and all in all, re-energized me, filling me with the optimism to tackle the mountain known as grad school apps. So thank you B, for the yarn, for the dimsums, and for the long walk in the park. :)

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